Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Omigod omigod omigod

College basketball is just around the corner, compadres, and boy am I expected! Why? Is it because the Buckeyes and their mewing babes will be tipping off in a few hours in their first exhibition game, against ... the Findlay ... Oilers? Well, that's cool, but not quite the reason. Is it because I will soon be unable to ignore Dick Vitale's shouting visage, I don't know, any day now? Goodness no! It's because the one and only Big Ten Wonk has returned, with a reliably wonkish and well-written opus on the subject of defense. And while I appreciate the work the man does and read him as regularly as I do anyone, let me just say that sometimes statistics can lie: there is no way IN HELL that North Carolina had one of the best defenses in the country in 2005. I watched that team play 10-15 times that season, and they were an "ole!" factory. I don't claim to know how they had such a gaudy "opponents points per possession" number, but I'll be damned if it was because of "great defense." What are you still doing here? GO READ IT.


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