Selig needs to start pulling some Stern moves
Ok, so with the Red Sox and Yankees out, that officially pulls all interest away from baseball and moves is completely to football (where it was anyway). I watched highlights of game 1 of the ALCS last night, and Rothlesboban's injury got more air time than the whole game of the Angels/White Sox, that should tell you all we need to know. So what's stopping Selig from rigging the playoffs to get the Red Sox/Yanks in the ALCS every year? We're about 3 years away from baseball getting Hockey treatment with no espn deal and showing games on OLN (that's where they show cycling too!!). The most dominate players in baseball are both over 40. Bonds is gonna break Aaron's record and....NO ONE WANTS HIM TO!!! Other than this guy, it's hard to find marketable persons in the league...It's a strange time in land of diamonds. Anyway, let's look at the LDSes and how close I was with predictions, b\c I rule....
Dids's Prediction: Whities in 4
Result: Whities in 3
Two weeks ago the ChiSox were the "shakiest team in MLB history" and now they're the World Series favorites...that's why I love the media. Yes, I was right, Boston had NO pitching, not even a little. I watched a little bit of Game 1 and it became glaringly obvious that the White Sox were a better, MUCH better defensive/pitching/baserunning team than the Red Sox. As a result, they get swept.
Dids's Prediction: Angels in 5
Result: Angels in 5
Nothing will ever top watching the Yankees lose
ALCS Predition:
I'll stick with what I said before: Halos downed by the Pale Hoes in 7
Dids's Prediction: Cards in 3
Result: Cards in 3
Easiest prediction in baseball history
Dids's Prediction: Astros in 5
Result: Astros in 4
I was so BORED with this series....I still am
NLDS Prediction: Why is everyone all over the Astros? I don't understand. The St. Lunatics are still the better team. Their bullpen is way underrated. Cards in 6
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